Earth building
Earth Building is the use of unfired earth soils as building material.
The use of earth as a building material dates back to well over 11,000 years ago to this present day.
With around one half of the world’s populations living in earth built dwellings.
The Main Earth Building Techniques include;
Mudbrick (Mud Brick, Adobe), Rammed Earth (Pise), Cob, Pressed Earth Brick (CEB-Compressed Earth Brick /Block, Cinva Ram), Poured Earth, Super Adobe (Earth Bag), Wattle & Daub, Light Earth (Light Straw Clay, Slip Straw), Earth Renders (Earthen Render), Earth Plasters (Earthen Plaster)
Earth building is a renewable, sustainable technology, the ultimate green building material.
We believe it is exactly what the world needs now, to provide safe, durable, comfortable and desirable homes.
Get Involved
Explore the resources on our website.
Participate in our workshops, conferences and other events.
Become an individual member or a business member, or a friend of EBAA, or just follow our Facebook Page and discover the world of earth building.
EBAA is actively involved and seeking new industry partnerships with universities.
We encourage students interested in sustainable building.
EBAA awards a small scholarship each year to a worthy PhD candidate.
Earth Building Association of Australia
The Earth Building Association of Australia (EBAA) is an organisation formed to promote the use of Unfired Earth as a building medium throughout Australia.
EBAA is a broad based organisation which has members that include builders, specialist contractors, tradespeople and owner builders, specialist manufacturers and suppliers, architects and designers, consultants, educators and students, with a common interest in the use of Unfired Earth.
The formation of EBAA commenced in 1990 at a gathering held in Maldon, Victoria. A subsequent meeting took place in Mildura, Victoria in 1991 which elected the first Committee of EBAA. Since then the primary focus of the Association has been communicating constructively with all levels of Government concerned with the regulation of Building practice in Australia as well as educating and informing our membership and the public.
Our organisation includes members from all aspects of earth building, including design, construction, materials production and many more. Join us today!
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From our Facebook
2025 4th April; EBAA’s Annual Conference & AGM 2025 – Getting your Earth Home Approved, and will include formal talks, as well as hands-on practical workshops and demonstrations. Held on Friday 4th – Sunday 6th April 2025, at Western Sydney University – Hawkesbury Campus, Richmond NSW.
Registrations opening soon Click here for full details
2023 17th February; EBAA’s Annual Conference & AGM 2023 – Rebuilding with Earth After the Bushfires .
Registrations are NOW OPEN. 17th February – 19th Feburary. Held, once again, at Bamarang Bush Retreat Nowra NSW.
For all the details click here
Remember, that paying EBAA members will receive a significant discount on the ticket pricing to attend the event. To express your early interest in attending, pending announcements regarding registration details, either on follow our Facebook event page, or email our Admin.
2021 28th July; CSIRO hosted a webcast discussion called Seal It Tight and Ventilate Right, to discussion a comfortable low-energy home, but how to get there?
CSIRO has asked representatives from Passive House Association, Earth Building Association of Aust, a building scientist and a tropical free running architect to discuss the issues. What is the best approach for Australia? How should regulators accommodate the two approaches? How should we be aiming to live in an altered climate?
An enlightening and entertaining discussion of one of the central dichotomies in sustainable design today.
Moderator: Anthony Wright – CSIRO
Speakers: Jesse Clarke – Pro Clima,
Peter Hickson – Earth Building Association of Australia
Kylie Mills – Australian Passive House Association
Phil Harris – Troppo Architecture
Click here to see the uploaded replay; CSIRO Webcasts Seal It Tight and Ventilate Right
Run time 1 hour,47 minutes plus a Q&A ( the video has also been transcripted)
2021 June; The EBAA Annual Conference & AGM – 2021 POSTPONED to Next Year.
2020 Annual Conference & 2021 International Conference, Postponed.
Due the the circumstances resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the EBAA committee made the decision to reschedule both our usual Annual Conference and our 2nd International Conference for 2021, forward by 12 months. This mean EBAA will not be hosting any events for at least this year. 2020. So the next Annual Conference that had been planed at Bamarang (Nowra) NSW will now be held in October 2021, at the same venue. The International Conference rescheduled for 2022.
To stay informed of announcements of our coming conferences and other events, be sure to join EBAA membership, or follow us on facebook.
2019 November; EBAA Joins the Declaration of a Climate Emergency.
In the first week of November of 2019, the EBAA Committee formally proposed and voted to join the chorus of declarations of a climate emergency.
Globally, The building and construction industries as a whole, currently produces 40% of all greenhouse gas emissions.
Earth is an ancient and modern ecological building material which doesn’t need manufacture or transport and can be returned to the soil and be recycled. Earth buildings are durable, high in energy saving thermal mass, they regulate humidity and are non-toxic, non-allergenic and fireproof. Earth building is an ideal form of construction that can have net zero emissions in the production process.
We acknowledge the role earth building can play in reaching net zero emissions in the building industry, reducing harm to ecosystems and re-localising economies. We seek to work with all levels of government and the community during the transition to a regenerative, just society if we are to avoid the worst consequences of the climate and ecological emergency.
We call on all levels of Governments national and international, to declare a climate and ecological emergency and to immediately take urgent action to halt biodiversity loss and rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2025.
“While the Covid-19 pandemic has changed our lives, it will one day pass.
However, the changes in our climate are here to stay. The best we can do and what we must to do, is halt it’s progress.“
Build with Earth, for the Earth.